In honor of my little guy turning one year old this week, I thought it was only fitting to share the blessing this year has been! James 1:17 says that “Every good and perfect gift is from above…” It’s true. Children are a GIFT from our Heavenly Father. If you are blessed to be a parent, you know. And if you’re longing to be a parent one day, I pray you have the gift of raising a child.
Before becoming a mom, I would talk to many of my friends about motherhood. The obstacles, the lack of sleep, the changing of your body, the funny kid stories, and the blessing it is. For years, I wondered what it would be like for me. I’ve been told before that I would be a good mom someday, but how would that look in real life?
Though my journey to motherhood began drastically different than I hoped and prayed for, I can 1000% say that motherhood is something to be treasured. All of the messy aspects that I’ve heard about from friends for years are totally worth it! I was sharing with someone the other day that this past year has been one of the hardest but best of my life. The Lord gave me supernatural strength through some of the most challenging months I’ve faced to date. He also revealed a confidence in me that I never had before. It’s like in becoming a mom, God was fulfilling a divine part of His plan in my life and a new part of me was coming alive. There is something about being a mom that just makes me feel more like me! I praise the Lord multiple times a day for my son - my gift from Heaven.
Motherhood Lessons + Treasures
Seeing how wonderful and complex God makes each one of us (Psalm 139:14)
Watching the miracle of life grow and change each day
Surrendering control knowing God has every day of my child’s life in His hands (Luke 12:7)
Witnessing life through the wonder in a child’s eyes
Seeing Christ’s love for us in our love for our kids (Romans 5:8)
Lord thank you for the person reading this today. I praise you for the gift of family and how you intricately made each one of us. I thank you for allowing me to be a mother and through that, see more of your character. I ask for your blessing over each reader today, whether they are a parent or not, that they would feel the Love of their Heavenly Father like never before. In Jesus’ name, amen.