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Writer's pictureMission Free

The Full Extent of His Love

Over the past few months, I’ve been reading the Book of John.  Little by little, section by section.  It’s been so good for me to do this because it’s consistent and allows me to understand the fullness of the gospel.  See, I normally sit down with my journal and Bible and ask the Lord to show me where to read.  I always seem to gravitate toward allowing the Holy Spirit to lead me rather than staying consistent in one book.  There’s a lesson in both of those actually, but more on that later.

I recently started reading John 13 and tears welled up in my eyes.  Most of us have heard the story of Jesus washing His disciples feet.  We’ve heard it used in sermons to humble ourselves before others, to serve wholeheartedly.  The day I read this part of the chapter though, one verse stood out to me.  This always amazes me because it totally proves that the word of God IS really living and active (Hebrews 4:12)!  John 13:1 reads, “...Jesus showed the disciples the full extent of His love.”  The FULL EXTENT.  Let’s think about this for a moment.  Jesus had already come to Earth, lived a sinless life, and been an incredible example of selfless love for His disciples.  He endlessly taught them, He intentionally led them, and perfectly used them to bring about truth in the world.  Did Jesus really have to wash their feet too?  Not necessarily.  But Jesus seems to have always done the unexpected, the extreme in a way.  Contrary to anything another leader would do in that time, Jesus washed His disciples feet.  He removed His robe - the mark of His position.  He put a towel around His waist - what the lowliest of servants would do.  He got on the dirty ground.  And John tells us that this was not out of frustration or responsibility, but out of Jesus’ FULL EXTENT of love for His disciples.  Amazing.  He did not think twice about serving them from a humble place because that is what He was all about.  It was part of His make-up, His heart.  Jesus went on to again demonstrate the fullness of His love by dying for each one of us.  Everything He did was to the full extent.


How beautiful and humbling to not only read about what Jesus did then but what He does now. He truly loves us, fully. Just sit in that for a minute. Jesus, the Son of God, LOVES you. Thank you Jesus for that; I know I need to take that in even now.

Just like Jesus served His disciples, sometimes we are called to do the same.  To step down from our position, whatever that may be, and meet the needs of someone else.  To go out of our way, give of our precious time to serve someone we don’t even know.  To actually give of ourselves when we feel like we are the ones in need of help.  The beautiful thing about John 13:1 is that Jesus did this FULLY out of love.  It’s hard to imagine that He did not think twice about serving His disciples.  Can we do that?  I’ll be honest, even when I do go out of my way to help, sometimes I have to convince myself to do it.  I have to stop and make a conscious choice to serve when it’s out of my comfort zone or schedule.


A challenge for this week is to see the moments where we can show love to someone else.  Not just in buying a gift, which IS a great way to show love, but in serving.  Can we show a stranger love by simply smiling at them?  Can we help another mom in the store and give her an encouraging word when we are in need of the same?  Can we give of our time and make plans with a friend when we are stretched with spare time this week?  I pray we can, me included! And let's ask the Lord to work in our hearts so we can serve others more fully out of love like He did.


Lord, thank you for your love for us. Thank you for my friend reading this.  Thank you for the way you created them and the people you’ve put in their path to show love to.  I ask that you’d provide for all they need and also bless them with opportunities to show love to others this week.  Open all of our eyes and hearts to ways we can be more like you - fully showing love to those who need it.  In Jesus name, amen.


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