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Writer's pictureMission Free

Slowing Down

This year, as I was praying about a WORD to focus on, the Lord kept bringing me back to “slow”.  At first, I suppressed the idea of that simple word because I had just stumbled across a mom on Instagram who was all about slow living.  Then it hit me.  What if I was reading her content for a reason?  Not just to be encouraged by it, but for it to point me to my focus for the year to come.  So there it was, my word for 2024 - SLOW.  Seems to clash with our world, doesn’t it?  The more I thought about it, the more I knew this was the right focus for me - as a new mom, still a new wife, and a child of God most importantly.  See, prior to this past year (2023) I had been stuck in such a fast pace that I didn’t even know I could recover.  Yes, I knew I needed to slow down but I didn’t know what would happen if I did.  I had taught in public education for 13+ years, most of which was in special education.  I loved what I did, but it drained me more than I realized.  


Fast forward to Spring 2023 when I welcomed my precious baby boy!  My husband and I had agreed that we would do whatever we needed to, so that I could stay home with our baby for the first year.  I was scared but knew it was the best thing for all of us.  I could go into all of the details but the important part is that this was a GOD prompted move for me, for us.  He not only wanted to bless me with more time with my child, but a healing that I didn’t know would come so beautifully.

Stepping away from the fast pace, in my case, public education, was the best decision I could have ever made.  It was right for this season.  I had an unexpected delivery and start to motherhood that required more attention.  I needed to rest mentally, physically, and emotionally, and I needed to allow God to heal and transform my mind and heart (Romans 12:2).  I’m sure that some of you may feel the same.  You are bound by corporate america’s standards that can feel like slavery.  Or maybe you are a mom who is caught up in the responsibility of caring for your family.  You feel like you are literally spinning, not just your wheels physically but your mind and your emotions.  I realize that not everyone can step away from a job, but know that it is OK to take a step back from whatever it may be.  It’s good to trim away responsibilities, commitments, extra duties for your health (physical, mental, spiritual).  I recently read a quote by a mom that said “Choose your priorities or your job will choose them for you.”  She was speaking about being your own boss, but I think those words can apply to anyone.  We can reprioritize, set boundaries, and actually live slowly.  We can enjoy cooking breakfast for our kids without feeling the weight of the responsibility.  We can run errands without being in a rush for no reason.  We can go to work and work unto the Lord without succumbing to society’s standard of working away our lives.


In taking this step back, I’ve learned how to actually enjoy the simple things.  I can’t tell you how amazing it is to see life in such a simple and beautiful way.  To look at my son learning how to stand on his own, taking a walk and not having to rush to be somewhere, writing my heart to all of you.  It’s beautiful and it’s seen when I slow down.  This time has also allowed me to spend time with the Lord, which in turn has renewed my mind - one of my biggest prayers this season.  I’ve had to carve out the time with Him, force myself to sit during my son’s naps instead of rushing around to clean or cook, but it was my priority, and it was and is worth it.


It’s good to slow down.  To take inventory of our lives and recommit to what actually matters. Is it making more money than we need or is it spending time with our loved ones?  Is it being involved in multiple clubs and activities or is it staying home and building a foundation in our family so our kids know they are loved and seen, not just by us but by their heavenly Father?  These are hard questions, but they are some that I’ve been pondering in this pursuit to live more slowly and enjoy my life instead of rushing through every day.  I pray that you’d be able to slow down too and in that, sense God’s presence and His peace that comes when you lean into Him.


Lord, thank you for my friend reading this.  Thank you for bringing them to this page, right here and now.  Lord I ask that they’d witness you at work in their lives today and hear that still small voice asking them to lean into you.  Please meet them as they listen for you to speak and show them how to tangibly be able to slow down.  In Jesus name, amen.

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