“It (Love) is not glad about injustice, but rejoices in the truth.” 1 Corinthians 13:6
As soon as I read this Verse of The Day I was immediately brought back to a study on “truth” that the Lord led me through a few months ago. Each verse built upon one another - literally going through the entire Bible - showing that Jesus IS the Truth. Incredible depth that words can’t do justice. [More to come on that eventually!]
So, as I read 1 Corinthians 13:6 yesterday morning, I was quickly reminded of TRUTH as Christ. Love, which IS God, rejoices in Truth, also God! The WORD of God doesn't contradict itself, it only further proves itself to be TRUE! “For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.” [Hebrews 4:12]
Love does not spend time “celebrating” or exalting injustice, whether personal or not. Instead, it rejoices in the truth, or “when the truth wins out” NLT. Let’s apply. There is tremendous suffering going on in the world. There is even a lot of “good” going on in the world’s eyes that does not necessarily mean good in God’s eyes. So, are we, as God’s children who should exhibit our Father’s love, to give our focus to the bad - i.e. have endless thoughts about it, talk through it over and over, listen to it all day on the news, start out conversations with it (“Oh my, did you hear ____”)? OR are we to SEEK out, which may take some time, energy and spiritual perspective, when the truth = Jesus wins out? We are not called to be quiet but we are called to be spirit led [Romans 8:14]. When we get caught up in how bad something is and do not stop and ask God to reveal what is really going on, we get off course. Our human minds can take over and we lose the ability to move clearly and precisely in the Holy Spirit’s leading.
So practically, what does this mean? When we are faced with a situation that involves injustice (either to us or someone else) we need to:
HEAR the reality of the situation. Don’t be afraid to actually listen, as this reveals what we are to pray for. It also proves we are not to turn a deaf ear to negative news, because it uncovers something deeper when we look at it with spiritual eyes. [Ephesians 6:12]
STOP and PRAY. Pray until we see results (either here on Earth or when Christ returns). “Pray without ceasing” [1 Thessalonians 5:17]
REJOICE when The Truth wins! Let praise and thanksgiving be KNOWN by what we say and put on display in our lives. May people see Jesus in and through us no matter the circumstance!
Hear, pray, rejoice! I've been thinking about love and truth recently. You actually can't have truth without love. Any "truth" without love is not fully true. In a court, if the whole truth doesn't come to light, injustice happens. Innocent people are wronged and guilty people are freed. But when the truth comes out, evil is punished and good is vindicated. Hate makes people glad or indifferent when harm comes to others. Love makes us agonize when others experience harm and rejoice when others are rescued from it! God is truth and love, and everything in existence belongs to Him. This means that He has a right to command and compel everyone to walk into alignment with His reality (reality…