I recently finished writing in a journal from cover to cover. For years, I’ve kept a simple notebook in with my Bible where I write prayers, scripture notes, teachings, studies, and prophecies from the Lord. I have so many filled, I’m running out of space to store them! During those years of serious study with the Lord, I spent hours learning about the Bible, crying out to God in prayer, and listening to what the Holy Spirit had to say. Those journals represent so much spiritual growth!
For the past couple of years, my quiet time, or what I like to title each journal entry as: Jesus Time, has looked different. I’ve not only had less time to spend studying because of the beauty of a new family, but I’ve been discouraged to get started. After a really trying postpartum season, this fall I decided I needed to be more consistent about regular Bible reading and writing. In October, I looked in my cabinet for a new journal and much to my surprise, the only blank one left was titled “You Can”. It was perfect to begin the pursuit to believe I could get closer to my Heavenly Father again. I missed that time so much but I doubted that I’d be able to sense His nearness in this new season of motherhood.

I started small but steady. Each morning during my son’s nap time (that thankfully extended from regular 30 minute naps where I had to rock him to sleep - to a little over an hour) I would take out my Bible and journal and spend quiet time with the Lord. First, I’d write what I was thankful for that morning - usually my family and sunshine! Then, I would journal my prayers for that day. Finally, I’d write out notes as I read scripture. I began reading the book of John in November and each day I read a few scriptures. These small chunks allowed me to see the fullness of an entire book while being able to really digest what I’m reading. The Lord has spoken to my heart DAILY in what I’m reading and I believe He is honoring my consistency. There are days I don’t want to read because the house is a mess or I would rather paint or scroll. But, I’ve set it in my heart to give this time to the Lord and He has blessed it.
Before I knew it, that “You Can” journal was full, cover to cover. Full of prayers, words from the Lord, notes about His scripture, and so much goodness. I can now add this little trophy of spiritual blessing to my shelf of other journals. Months ago, I wasn’t sure I’d experience this nearness of God like I am now and I am so grateful. So, if you are in a season where you feel that God is distant for any reason, I encourage you to just start. Just start setting aside a few minutes each day to give to Him. I can tell you from someone who used to spend hours reading and journaling to now someone who can sometimes only spend a few minutes, that God doesn’t mind. It’s our hearts that count. Much like giving a tithe, God knows what we have and He doesn’t ask for millions from someone who may only be able to give a dollar. Just start giving Him what time you have and He will meet you. I’m sure of it!
Lord, thank you for my friend who is reading this. Thank you for their life and the season they are in. You love them deeply and I pray that as they devote time to you today that you’d show them that deep love in a tangible way. Strengthen them spiritually so that they can face the world being led by you. In Jesus name, Amen!