Jesus told her, “I am the resurrection and the life. Anyone who believes in me will live, even after dying. Everyone who lives in me and believes in me will never ever die. Do you believe this, Martha?” John 11:25
Oh the cross. To remember all that Christ has done for us is something that one day of the year can’t bear. I long to be impacted by His love and sacrifice everyday and moment that I’m here. As I heard a phrase this weekend, the thought of Resurrection came to LIFE even more.
We can come as we are but leave changed. We can come to Jesus as we are - burdened, heavy, joy-filled, hopeful, completely uncertain. The beauty of His grace and love is that as we surrender, His work on the cross takes over. He did the rest already. Yes DID, past tense. Christ died and became The Resurrection. He still is today. Our worries, sickness, troubles, woes, hardships, and even pandemics were ALL covered through the sacrifice Christ made by dying and shedding His blood once and for all. When we believe in that and follow Him, we have assurance of eternal life. We may come broken, but we leave whole. [“So we praise God for the glorious grace He has poured out on us who belong to His dear Son. He is so rich in kindness and grace that He purchased our freedom with the blood of His Son and forgave our sins. He has showered His kindness on us, along with all wisdom and understanding.” - Ephesians 1:6-8.]
He took care of it ALL on the cross. Do you ever wonder how we can live freely in this ever changing world that is full of so much sorrow? Honestly sometimes, I do. When those thoughts come, I remind myself that Jesus did not die for THEN. He died once and for ALL. That means every person, every bad thing, and every time in history until He returns and takes His kids home. That also means that when we agree with what He did on the cross, our sorrows, sickness, and despair can be wiped away and healed by His blood. This may not happen immediately or how we envision, but we can be certain that God is true of His word and will make all things new, either here on Earth or in eternity with Him. ["With His own blood—not the blood of goats and calves—He entered the Most Holy Place once for all time and secured our redemption forever." - Hebrews 9:12.]
Jesus, the one, TRUE God, who came as flesh, IS The Resurrection. He came for us on that magnificent day to die on the cross for our sins. Three days later, He rose from the dead. The man and Savior Jesus, IS the Resurrection. Bringing things to life is who He IS and what He DOES. Jesus is speaking to Martha in the verse from John 11 above. The way Jesus turned the tables in conversation (all throughout the Bible) forever amazes me. Instead of confirming what Martha said in verse 24 (about Lazarus rising on the last day), Jesus adds in a 3rd way. He reminds Martha that HE, Himself IS the Resurrection. Now, at this point, Jesus had not died yet on the cross, so to believe this may have been a struggle, especially right after your brother passed away. Jesus focused on the Truth of who He is and why that is so important. He makes ALL things new, and in this case He literally raised a dead man to life!
The choice is ours. Will we follow Him and have a HOPE that anchors our souls (Hebrews 6:19), knowing He is in control and that we will live safe under BOTH His promises on Earth and forever in eternity? OR Will we trust our own understanding, putting our hope in people and things that will disappear, leaving us forever burdened and suffering both now and for all of eternity? I know that can be a grim picture but it is the truth. I long for all to know that God is good and loving and that His Word is true. All of it. He is the Resurrection, bringing all things to life. Living in Him is the best choice we can make.
As we run this race of life, maybe at a slower pace these days, I pray that we all make the best choice to invite Jesus into every space and place. Only He can make dead things in our lives come alive again and heal every broken place. He did, in fact, already conquer death, hell, and the grave and for that I am forever changed and grateful.
Powerful! God's third way is the impossible way: impossible for us, but easy for Him. He's paved the impossible third way for us!