Do you ever struggle with fear? Fear of failing, fear of getting hurt (physically or emotionally), fear of being left out (rejection), fear of _____ (fill in the blank). I know I do. Something that my eyes have been opened to lately is that sometimes, we write off fear. Why? Because it is so normal to us. There can be fear in areas we didn’t even realize. Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you simply couldn’t move forward? The plans just wouldn’t work out, the relationship never truly connected, the day remained “gloomy” in all senses of the word? Might I suggest it could be due to fear? This is exactly where the enemy wants us. He wants us to stay trapped in a place where we are too scared to move, whether we know it or not. So how do we break free from the fear and prevent it from happening again?
We must acknowledge Jesus and call on Him for help. My friend and I were just talking today about how much we truly need The Lord; that we are never in a place where we don’t need Him. Isn’t that the truth?! There have been times where I was afraid to move forward, afraid because I knew I was being attacked but I didn't know what to pray. I simply said, “Jesus Christ is Lord.” In that moment, I am acknowledging the One who has conquered death and is the King of all Kings and Lord of all Lords. How amazing is it that we can call on Him? I mean, if you want someone to fight for you, wouldn’t you want it to be the all reigning Champion of the world? When we acknowledge the Lord, and ask Him for help, He hears us! Did you know that? He hears the cries of His children and He comes to their rescue (Psalm 34:17).
We must also resist the devil, and he will flee (James 4:7). This goes along with turning to God. There is right and wrong, good and evil - no in between. So, if we turn to God (good) we automatically turn from the devil (evil). When we choose in a moment of fear to ask the Lord to rescue us, it is a direct shift from giving into fear. It is saying we trust in His love for us and we completely let go of any string of fear that could be holding us back.
We must finally Guard our hearts, above all else, for it determines the course of our life (Proverbs 4:23). How are we supposed to do that? We can ask the Holy Spirit to filter what we let into our minds and hearts so that when attacks of the enemy come, they are intercepted by the Holy Spirit and we are protected. We have a choice in the matter but we also need His help. We can choose what we believe - God’s truth or the enemy’s lies. The enemy comes to steal, kill, and destroy, but Jesus came to give us life abundantly (John 10:10). If the enemy is a thief, we must guard what is ours in the Lord and cling tightly to that truth.
I pray that these words, that the Lord led me to share, hit home with you. That they stop you in your tracks and as you read them, you decide in that very moment to put your foot down and say no to fear and yes to God. He loves you and has good for you. He has come to set you free (Isaiah 61:1)!
Prayer for salvation: God I admit that I am a person in need of a savior. I have sinned and I am sorry for it, I need you to save me because I can’t do it on my own. I believe that Jesus is the son of God, who died on the cross and shed His blood to cover my sin. I accept this free gift of eternal life. I am now a child of God. In Jesus name, amen!
Prayer against fear: Lord Jesus, I submit to you and ask for your help. I repent of my sins and especially for agreeing with fear in my life. I renounce fear and cut ties with it and I believe that what you did on the cross has broken that yoke of slavery. Thank you for your Holy Spirit and your love, I welcome You in to fill all of the cracks. Please protect me from any attacks of fear in Jesus name, amen.
In need of prayer? Email me anytime. I am truly happy to pray with or for you!