“You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in You; all whose thoughts are fixed on You.” - Isaiah 26:3
We may be in a fixed location right now but more importantly, where are we fixing our THOUGHTS? With so much information cycling through our feeds, TVs, devices, and conversations, we MUST choose wisely where to FIX our thoughts. I’ll confess I’ve been in the place of frantically scrolling and searching for more information but you know where it got me? -- to a place of total anxiety and fear. That’s the opposite of PEACE and trust!
Christ is the one who provides the PEACE. He IS peace - the Prince of Peace (Isaiah 9:6). He gives PERFECT peace that surpasses ALL understanding (Philippians 4:7). It’s NOT the peace the world attempts to give (John 14:27). It doesn’t have to make sense to be peaceful -- Yes, there is a virus circulating the globe. Yes, it is very serious. Yes, you should be thinking of others and staying at home. BUT also Yes, Christ is still on the throne and will take care of it if we humble ourselves and pray (2 Chronicles 7:14). Do we have to know when or how He will fix all of this to have peace? No.
It takes a CHOICE to TRUST. Trust is a firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of someone or something. How can we know we can rely on God? Knowing He is GOOD. He sent His son to die for us and gift us salvation. It also helps to remember His track record in your life. Remember how He has been faithful before. How He has protected you before. How He has come through for you before. He WILL be faithful again.
FIX your thoughts on Jesus. Do not let the media, even social media take away your attention. Decide today that no matter what you hear or see, no matter what happens, you will FIX your thoughts on Jesus. A pastor recently said this - “Am I going to trust God or listen to every voice set out to torment my mind?”
May we all take a few moments to FIX our thoughts on Jesus and trust that He will bring PEACE as we do.