Each week, I hope to share devotionals with you. Real life stories, Bible teachings, or encouraging words from every day life. I believe these messages on my heart are meant to be shared and to encourage those of you reading them. But what does "devotional" actually mean? Webster's defines devotional as: a short worship service.
If a devotional is “a short worship service”, it’s important to understand what worship is. Worship means “to honor or show reverence for a divine being.” When we worship God, we are showing Him honor and revering Him. We are exalting Him above ALL else. Our to do list, our responsibilities, our title, our self and even our family. He alone is worthy of true worship. So, when we hear that we are going to “worship” in church or are invited to a “worship service” it means we are honoring God and revering who He is. Though we often associate worship with music, it is not solely that. We CAN worship God through song, and it’s a beautiful way to exalt our Father! We can also worship Christ in how we serve our family - with a joyful and grateful heart. We can worship Him in how we work - doing our job, whatever that may be, with excellence and honesty. And, we can worship God when we have quiet time with Him. That’s what this devotional is all about. It’s a (hopefully) simple and authentic way to connect with Jesus during our day. Think of it as an already thought out “short worship service” right in your home, car, or work desk. I pray that the Biblical insight, honest stories, and simple teachings bring you closer to your Heavenly Father.
As you go about your week, I encourage you to choose one of these verses to save as your background or write out and place somewhere you will see it. Take a moment to slow down and think about what it really means and connect with God. He is always there and wants to be with you too!
Heavenly Father, thank you for my friend reading this. I pray you will give them set apart time to give back to you this week. To honor you and worship you in whatever activity that may be. Show them that you are simply waiting for them to slow down and acknowledge you. In Jesus name, amen.