John 10:10 - “The thief comes only the steal and kill and destroy; I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.”
Jesus came to give us ABUNDANT LIFE! That is something to rejoice about! But, what if this “abundance” isn’t all we’ve made it out to be? The Bible says He gives us everything we need (Psalm 23:1 & 2 Peter 1:3) and He withholds NO good thing from His children (Psalm 84:11). The literal craziness of our culture is NOT the abundant life God desires for His kids. I’m not (yet) talking about the health crisis - I mean the busy lifestyles, the hustle, and the over commitment and misfocus. So, how does that apply here? He wants time with us! So, let’s give it to Him -- me included. Let’s read the word MORE. Worship MORE. Praise Him MORE. Love others MOVE. The time we have is precious and we seem to have quite a bit more of it now than we had even last week.
The enemy has literally and currently come to STEAL, KILL, and DESTROY. But, it doesn’t end there. That’s not how The Lord works. The Bible says that what the enemy has meant for harm God will use for good. (Genesis 50:20) This whole crisis is NO surprise to God. Am I saying God caused this? NO, NO, and NO. I am saying and BELIEVING that He will use it for GOOD. His good. Our (His children) good.
What do we do?
1. Make sure you are one of His children. Admit you need Jesus, the Savior, and surrender to Him.
2. Spend time with Him.
3. Trust Him and choose to have faith him Him, even when your emotions (fear) roar.
4. Soak in this time and spend it wisely. Yes we are stuck in our homes, but we aren’t stuck in every way. [More on this one!] This may be one of the ONLY times that life literally shuts down for a bit. Get off of the news, stop mindlessly scrolling, and sit with Jesus. I promise He will meet you.
God LOVES you and I pray that you feel His love stronger than ever, right here and now.